Generating PDF from DOCX Hash Char Problem

Certified Associate Developer

When I am trying to pass the Arabic characters into 'PDF from DOCX' smart service this is not displaying the Arabic text but displaying hash(#) instead. Also, even if its numeric characters!

Same when I am uploading MS word document edited a text or added any text in Arabic or numeric chartacters by the user, then the generation process to save the uploaded document by a save button in the interface, I am using the PDF form DOCX plugin smart service in the process to convert pdf file from the uploaded MS Word document. Then, the user will view that pdf document in a document viwer in that interface but the text or the char added appears as HASH(#).

The Generation PM:

NOTES: I used SST Arabic TTF File as the font of the pdf file.

I need the uploaded edted word document as it is to generate as a pdf saved in its folder with SST Arabic font as I put it in the smart servcie, not when the user donwnload the required file to edit it then upload. It turns the added text/char to (hash #) ?! 

Please any suggestions to solve this repeated same problem.

The Interface to upload the MS Word Doc then (Save btn) will start the above PM:

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