MS graph mail poller

Hi ,

mails are not getting polled in the UI , getting the below error.

"Invalid client secret provided. Ensure the secret being sent in the request is the client secret value, not the client secret ID"

Can someone please let me know what can be the cause and what is the latest version of poller.

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    Certified Lead Developer

    I think that the error message is very clear.

    I asked ChatGPT for advices:

    1. Check Client Secret: Ensure that the client secret you are using in your request is the actual secret value, not the client secret ID. The client secret should be a long, random string, whereas the client secret ID is usually a shorter identifier associated with your application.

    2. Update Client Secret: If you suspect that the client secret value you have is incorrect or has been compromised, you should regenerate a new client secret in the settings of your application on the platform (e.g., Facebook, Microsoft, etc.) that you are using to access the Graph API.

    3. Verify Request: Double-check the request you are making to the Graph API and make sure you are including the client secret in the correct format. Typically, you include the client secret in the request headers or as a parameter, depending on the API and authentication method you are using.

    You can check the latest version of the plugin in the admin console or in the appmarket.