Certified Senior Developer


i am getting an error  in PM while executing generate PDF FROM DOCX

Element type "ceatable" must be followed by either attribute specifications, ">" or "/>".

How can i reslove this


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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    Looks like an XML error.

    Something is wrong with your docx file. Are you able to open the docx file in question?

  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    in reply to Mathieu Drouin

    Hi Mathieu this is my doc file

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to Sudhir Singh

    You will need to debug the XML structure of that document. Unzip it and find the spot, pointed out by the error message.

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to Sudhir Singh


    Debugging the XML structure of a DOCX file (not DOXC) can be useful when you're working with Word documents programmatically or when you want to inspect the underlying XML content of a DOCX file. Here are the steps to do it:

    1. Rename the DOCX file: Change the file extension from .docx to .zip. DOCX files are essentially ZIP archives containing XML files and other resources.

    2. Unzip the file: Use any ZIP file extraction tool to unzip the renamed file. This will give you access to the contents of the DOCX file.

    3. Inspect the XML: Inside the unzipped folder, you will find various files and folders, including a folder named "word." This folder contains the XML files that make up the document's content.

      • word/document.xml: This is the main document content in XML format.
      • word/styles.xml: This file contains information about the document's styles.
      • word/numbering.xml: Contains information about numbering and lists.
      • word/settings.xml: Document settings.
      • word/header<x>.xml and word/footer<x>.xml: If your document has headers or footers, you'll find XML files for them.
      • word/footnotes.xml and word/endnotes.xml: For footnotes and endnotes.
      • word/comments.xml: If there are comments in the document, you'll find them here.
    4. Open and Inspect: Open the XML files of interest using a text editor or an XML editor. You can use any text editor like Notepad, Visual Studio Code, or an XML-specific editor like Oxygen XML Editor or XMLSpy.

    5. Review the XML: Inspect the XML content to debug and understand the structure of the document. You'll see the tags and elements that make up the document's content.

    6. Make Changes (if needed): If you're debugging or modifying the XML structure, be cautious. Making changes to the XML structure directly can corrupt the document. It's usually better to use a tool or library designed for working with DOCX files programmatically (e.g., Python-docx for Python).

    7. Rezip and Rename: After you're done inspecting or making changes, select all the files and folders, and zip them back into a single ZIP file.

    8. Rename Back to .docx: Finally, change the file extension back from .zip to .docx. You can now open the document using Microsoft Word or your preferred word processing software.

    Remember that directly modifying the XML structure of a DOCX file can be risky and might lead to document corruption. If you need to programmatically work with DOCX files, it's often safer to use libraries or tools designed for this purpose, such as Python-docx for Python or Apache POI for Java. These libraries provide a higher-level interface for working with DOCX files and handle the XML structure internally.

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to Sudhir Singh

    Presumably, you're not converting the one with merge fields to PDF. I was referring to the docx you were generating before trying to convert to PDF.