We are trying to deploy an expression function as a plugin. We followed all the

We are trying to deploy an expression function as a plugin. We followed all the best practices given in the documentation. After deploying, we get a log entry saying that the function is successfully deployed, but an error also gets written to the logs. Both the success and error message are pasted below. This function takes in a "Query String" as input parameter and returns the google search results (URL and description) as one concatenated string. In the JAR attached, for test purposes, we only return a concatenated substring(first 15 chars) of the final output.

2014-07-22 19:55:09,482 [Plugin Hot Deploy] INFO com.appiancorp.plugins.LoggingPluginEventListener - Successfully installed Module 'Google Search' (com.appiancorp.embedgooglesearch:googleSearchCategory) version 1.0.0
2014-07-22 19:55:09,482 [Plugin Hot Deploy] INFO com.appiancorp.plugins.LoggingPluginEventListener - Successfully installed Module 'RetrieveGoogleResults ...




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  • ...Function' (com.appiancorp.embedgooglesearch:retrieveGoogleResults) version 1.0.0
    2014-07-22 19:55:11,762 [http-/] ERROR com.appiancorp.util.BundleUtils - Cannot retrieve the value for key "function.tovalue.param.value.description" from the bundle.
    2014-07-22 19:55:11,762 [http-/] ERROR com.appiancorp.util.BundleUtils - Cannot retrieve the value for key "function.touser.param.value.description" from the bundle.

    Also, The function category and the function itself appear in the expression builder, but when we try to test it within a rule - using the expression..
    .. it says "The rule contains an expression that cannot be tested".

    Any pointers on the error shown in the server log? Or any other general issues faced during expression function plugin deployment related to this will also be helpful.

  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    That error message indicates you are missing the internationalization text bundle in your .jar, or that it isn't in the folder location that is expected.
  • Thanks for the response Jason and yeah, you are correct, I missed to put my external jar into lib folder of my plug in project. That solved my issue. Thanks again!