We had recently updated the SFTP Functions plugin to v3.0.2. After the update, the SFTP Send File smart service is failing with the error "Auth fail". Third-party credentials are setup and have not changed. The plugin has access to the third party credentials. The FT_Config CDT has got updated (due to the plugin update) and has the below structure:
Smart Service Inputs:
We are passing the values to the smart service as below:
File Transfer Configurations: 'type!{plugins.ps.appiancorp.com/.../}FT_Config'(
serverHostName: cons!SFTP_HOST_NAME, (text)
serverPort: cons!SFTP_SERVER_PORT_NUMBER, (integer)
scsExternalSystemKey: cons!SFTP_EXTERNAL_SYSTEM_KEY, (text)
usePerUserCredentials: false(), (boolean)
privateKeyFile: cons!SFTP_PRIVATE_KEY (document)
Remote File Path: /filePath
Document To Send: Document
Can you please let me know what is causing the error? Thank you in advance!
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Any answer to this issue, I'm having the same issue and not able to get the exact cause.
Please check the tomcat std out log file for any details.
I saw a few similar conversations recently, with the issue that the minimal SSL version in the plugin was raised, while the server insisted on an old one. This must be updated on the server level.
Hello Stefan,
Thanks for the reply, in tomcat log it says : Auth failed for methods 'publicKey'. The same set-up works fine in lower environment and the failure is only in prod environment.
No sure where could be the exact problem.
Can you reach out to the FTP ops team and ask them to have a look in their log files?
Yes I have already reached out to them and waiting for the logs from their side. I will keep you posted.