SFTP Send File - 'Auth fail' Error

Certified Associate Developer


We had recently updated the SFTP Functions plugin to v3.0.2. After the update, the SFTP Send File smart service is failing with the error "Auth fail". Third-party credentials are setup and have not changed. The plugin has access to the third party credentials. The FT_Config CDT has got updated (due to the plugin update) and has the below structure:

Smart Service Inputs:

We are passing the values to the smart service as below:

            File Transfer Configurations: 'type!{plugins.ps.appiancorp.com/.../}FT_Config'(

            serverHostName: cons!SFTP_HOST_NAME, (text)

            serverPort: cons!SFTP_SERVER_PORT_NUMBER, (integer)

            scsExternalSystemKey: cons!SFTP_EXTERNAL_SYSTEM_KEY, (text)

            usePerUserCredentials: false(), (boolean)

            privateKeyFile: cons!SFTP_PRIVATE_KEY   (document)


           Remote File Path: /filePath

           Document To Send: Document

Can you please let me know what is causing the error? Thank you in advance!

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