Adobe Sign - Apply Signature from Appian Button

Is it possible to apply the Adobe Sign e-signature based on an Appian button? If so, is there any documentation related to this?

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  • User clicks a kind of "Refresh" button in the Appian UI

    I created a shared sub-interface that provides the user a button called "Validate Signature" - in the background, this passes in the Adobe Sign "Agreement ID" (the primary key text string identifying the unique instance of the signed document in question) and the email address of the current "signer", and validates whether the person has successfully signed within the embedded interface (which could technically happen externally too, for all Adobe cares) - when the signature condition has been satisfied, on-form variables switch around to show the user a regular "submit" button - though for our case, we had to make it the largest size, in an obnoxious color, and labelled something bludgeoningly obvious like "CLICK HERE TO SEND FOR PROCESSING --->", because we were finding too often that users would merely sign within the Adobe pane, then click out of the task without doing anything extra to submit the process along.
