{ 'type!{urn:appian:ps:pdftools}PdfContent'( page: 1, xPercent: 10, yPercent: 95, angle: 0, sections: { 'type!{urn:appian:ps:pdftools}PdfSection'( components: 'type!{urn:appian:ps:pdftools}PdfImage'( scale: .2, document: todocument(ri!imageCreated) ) ), } ), 'type!{urn:appian:ps:pdftools}PdfContent'( page: 1, xPercent: 50, yPercent: 10, angle: 0, sections: { 'type!{urn:appian:ps:pdftools}PdfSection'( style: 'type!{urn:appian:ps:pdftools}PdfStyle'( fontSize: 9 ), components: { 'type!{urn:appian:ps:pdftools}PdfText'( value: concat( ri!Nm, ", FEI#", ri!Id, ) ), } ), 'type!{urn:appian:ps:pdftools}PdfSection'( style: null, components: { 'type!{urn:appian:ps:pdftools}PdfText'( value: concat( a!forEach( items: index(ri!Dates,"date",null), expression: if( fv!isLast, fv!item, fv!item & ", " ) ), " ", ri!teamInitials, ) ), } ), 'type!{urn:appian:ps:pdftools}PdfSection'( style: null, components: { 'type!{urn:appian:ps:pdftools}PdfText'( value: concat( if( a!isNullOrEmpty(ri!Number), {}, { "Exhibit ", ri!Number, " - " } ), "Page ", ri!imageCounts, " of ", ri!pageCount ) ), } ), } ), }
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I don't know that this smart service promises any sort of pre-scaling of images that will be added to PDFs (and, maybe it does and you need to continue tweaking the parameters you pass to find the "right fit").
Otherwise I'd suggest you check out the "resize image" functionality in the Appian Image Utilities plug-in, to handle out-size images prior to PDF conversion. I struggled for a while to figure out how to tell an image's size programmatically, but eventually I stumbled on the "Get File Metadata" plug-in which makes it possible.
Can you please help me with some example. thank you
i'm not really sure what example you want. i'd recommend you try various troubleshooting tips to see what the behavior of the resulting PDF is, including: