Good afternoon,
I am having a problem when using the plugin, both for encrypttext and decrypttext.
I am trying to access via SCS and I always get the error "Error encrypting value: This plug-in [com.unionbankph.plugins.aesencrypt] is not registered to access secured values for the given external system key [Key]. Check the external systems plug -ins list in the Administration Console." even though the plugin is correctly in the credential's plugin list. I am currently using them in the following way
local!base64Key: decodebase64string("pruebaencript"),local!eas: fn!encrypttext(valueToEncrypt: local!valor,scsKey: "pruebaencript",scsField:"Key",iv: local!base64Key),
Thank you so much
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Please find the sample code below. Both working for me.
encrypttext( valueToEncrypt: "testing string", iv: "VGhpcyBpcyBmb3IgdGVzdA==", scsKey: "demo", scsField: "key" )
encrypttext( valueToEncrypt: "testing string", iv: "VGhpcyBpcyBmb3IgdGVzdA==", scsKey: "demo", scsField: "key", cipher: "AES", encoding: "BASE64" )
Hope this helps.