Hi All,
I have a template document where it has 3 statements and then a table which will display data . But if the data is empty, the table header is also not displaying . But I need the output doc to display the template. table with header row showing no data available. Is this possible, Please suggest some solutions.
a!localVariables( local!queryXML: if( toboolean(ri!isFormat)=true(), ri!data, a!forEach( items: reject(fn!isnull,{ri!data}), expression: "<tablerow"& " preferredterm='"&toHtml(substitute(fv!item.preferredTerm,"'", htmldecode("‘")))&"'"& " caseid='"&toHtml(substitute(fv!item.caseId,"'", htmldecode("‘")))&"'"& " studyid='"&toHtml(fv!item.studyName)&"'"& " blindedstatus='"&toHtml(fv!item.studyBlindedStatus)&"'"& " sequence='"&toHtml(fv!item.dilSequence)&"'"& " deathlifethreatening='"&toHtml(fv!item.deathLifeThreatening)&"'"& " downgradedtononsr='"&toHtml(fv!item.dgdNonSt)&"'"& " clockstartdate='"&toHtml(fv!item.clockStartDate)&"'"& " />" ) ), if( a!isNullOrEmpty(ri!data), "", if( toboolean(ri!isSplit)=true(), local!queryXML, "<dil>"& "<product>"&ri!product&"</product>"& "<daterange>"&rule!DIL_testNewDateFormat(date: ri!dateFrom)&" to "&rule!DIL_testNewDateFormat(date: ri!dateTo)&"</daterange>"& "<listingtype>"&ri!type&" listing</listingtype>"& if( ri!type = "Unblinded", "<unblinded>Unblinded Safety Data : Do not share with blinded study personnel</unblinded>", "<unblinded></unblinded>" )& local!queryXML& "</dil>" ) ) )
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