Hi All,
I have a template document where it has 3 statements and then a table which will display data . But if the data is empty, the table header is also not displaying . But I need the output doc to display the template. table with header row showing no data available. Is this possible, Please suggest some solutions.
a!localVariables( local!queryXML: if( toboolean(ri!isFormat)=true(), ri!data, a!forEach( items: reject(fn!isnull,{ri!data}), expression: "<tablerow"& " preferredterm='"&toHtml(substitute(fv!item.preferredTerm,"'", htmldecode("‘")))&"'"& " caseid='"&toHtml(substitute(fv!item.caseId,"'", htmldecode("‘")))&"'"& " studyid='"&toHtml(fv!item.studyName)&"'"& " blindedstatus='"&toHtml(fv!item.studyBlindedStatus)&"'"& " sequence='"&toHtml(fv!item.dilSequence)&"'"& " deathlifethreatening='"&toHtml(fv!item.deathLifeThreatening)&"'"& " downgradedtononsr='"&toHtml(fv!item.dgdNonSt)&"'"& " clockstartdate='"&toHtml(fv!item.clockStartDate)&"'"& " />" ) ), if( a!isNullOrEmpty(ri!data), "", if( toboolean(ri!isSplit)=true(), local!queryXML, "<dil>"& "<product>"&ri!product&"</product>"& "<daterange>"&rule!DIL_testNewDateFormat(date: ri!dateFrom)&" to "&rule!DIL_testNewDateFormat(date: ri!dateTo)&"</daterange>"& "<listingtype>"&ri!type&" listing</listingtype>"& if( ri!type = "Unblinded", "<unblinded>Unblinded Safety Data : Do not share with blinded study personnel</unblinded>", "<unblinded></unblinded>" )& local!queryXML& "</dil>" ) ) )
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Yes Its possible, try the following code in your docx template.
Also you need to change the xml in case you do not have any data for the table
XML for valid values
XML for empty values
This will give you the following results
kavyanatrajan Did this work?