Has anyone gotten the following error (or similar) for the systemlogsrecordtypesource function? It's for the the Log Reader plugin.
Expression evaluation error at function 'systemlogsrecordtypesource' [line 7]: The passed parameter(s) are of the wrong type. Received the type com.appiancorp.common.xml.JaxbConversionException: JAXB failure trying to convert typed value TypedValue[it=1474,v={TypedValue[it=1478,v=<null>],TypedValue[it=1154,v=<null>],{1,20,<null>}}] to java class com.appiancorp.common.query.Query.
It's a simple few lines of code:
systemlogsrecordtypesource( a!query( pagingInfo: a!pagingInfo(startIndex: 1, batchSize: 20) ) )
Strangely, I cannot replicate this across environments. I've confirmed the environments are on the same version of Appian, so I am unsure what to check for next.
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Yes, I have that error as well on 24.3
Interesting. Do you get that error for all your 24.3 environments? It only happens for one of my environments - the others work fine.
That's interesting. I only have one environment. However, I've found that if you pass it a null, it returns some values.
However, I'm not sure how reliable this function is since doesn't seem to return all the log files.
I can confirm that passing in null does return values. Unfortunately like you said it won't return all files. In our use case, we're trying to retrieve the logs updated in the last 24 hours (hence the use of filters), so this isn't reliable.Are you planning on upgrading to 24.4? I wonder if that may fix the issue...
Very much doubt that 24.4 will fix it.