Hi I need to validate if the correct excel is uploaded by validating its content . I have different excel upload for different activity. If the user uploaded wrong Excel and do the submit it should display that excel is not for this activity .
Is there any way to do that.
Can anyone suggest a way and how to implement it.
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This depends a lot on how you want to implement this validation. A real validation would always mean to first read all data, and then run a validation rule. Out of scalability considerations, I typically import all data into a staging table first. The next step would be your validation, followed by a transformation step using a stored procedure.
Could please provide the implementation code of the post staging table insertion validation I can use or adapt for me. That would be helpful.
There is nothing I could share, and the implementation is very specific to your use case.
What I was asking is how to do the validation like if there is any function i can use , how can i implement the validation.
No, there is no specific function you could use. This means to implement a stored procedure in the Maria DB.