Import CSV to Database - Column names doesn't match


I have a problem with the smart service ‘import csv to database’, as the column names in the CSV do not match those in the table. Is there any way to create a mapping between the two values, or do I necessarily have to create a new table that has the same field names as the csv? I would like to avoid the latter solution if possible. Thank you all.

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  • I've already done it, but without results...

    I've tried also setting manually the Column Names while "File has header" is false, but I receive this Error:

    "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: CSV Header Names and Database Field Names lists are not the same length". 

    I tried it passing the variable as vector { "column1", "column2", "column3" } and also as unique string "column1,column2,column3", but I receive the same error.
