Having some limited success with the Internationalization for Forms and Dashboar

Having some limited success with the Internationalization for Forms and Dashboards plugin. Installed it and works fine with <bundle>_en_US just fine and switching locale for <bundle>_fr_CA is good too.

From the plugin docs it states: "***translateForUser("john.doe", "a.b.c", "title") - ... then the plugin will look for the property file c_en_US.properties ... If this file is not foud then it will look for c_en.properties in the same directory. If this is not found it will look for c.properties. ***"

Question 1: If it doesn't find the key in the <bundle>_en_US will it stop there or will it try the other resource files (eg. <bundle>_en then finally <bundle>)?

From the plugin docs it states: "***Note you cannot test the translate function in the rules testing interface as the loggedinuser() function only works on dashboads and in processes/forms. You can hard code a user name for translateforuser for testing purposes.***"

Question 2: Since the rules t...



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  • I tried this like this : the user locale is en_US and i have 2 bundles for c.en_US and c.en files, I have declared in my bundle in c.en_US like Submit=Submit and in c.en Sumit=Submit. Now in my Form i am stating it like translate("c.en_US","sumit"). So it should check for c.en_US file and then c.en file.Now the c.en file contains sumit. but it is returning me like ???Sumit??? any suggestions please or am i doing it wrong anywhere
  • I tried this like this : the user locale is en_US and i have 2 bundles for c.en_US and c.en files, I have declared in my bundle in c.en_US like Submit=Submit and in c.en Sumit=Submit. Now in my Form i am stating it like translate("c.en_US","sumit"). So it should check for c.en_US file and then c.en file.Now the c.en file contains sumit. but it is returning me like ???Sumit??? any suggestions please or am i doing it wrong anywhere
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