I am trying to generate pdf from docx. The input DOCX file is the output from a MERGE DOCX smartservice. So basically its a merged doc(few docs are merged to single docx).
Issue is PDF to DOCX/PDFfrom single docx/PDF from Multiple docx is puling only the first document from the Merged doc to convert to PDF.
Rest of the docs in Merged docs are not getting converted in PDF.
Any solution for converting merged DOCX file to PDF ?
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Can you please share config details. and can you check you mapped correct pv in PDF from DOCX
Hi vidyakv ,When you merge the DOCX, Please check the PV that you are saving is a single doc or List of docs. if there are multiple files, obviously it will take a single or multiple files, Properly configure inputs and outputs of the nodes.Please let me know if you still get the issue again.
{doc1,doc2} -----merge----> doc3 -----convertToPdf------> doc4(pdf of doc1)
Updated below the screenshots