I have created a plugin that sets values of custom fields in UserProfile. I can

I have created a plugin that sets values of custom fields in UserProfile. I can see those values in Appian using function user(userName,"customField1").
But I need these custom field values to be displayed in People's tab - Update Profile. So I added my custom fields in UserDetails.jsp as below:
<asi:fieldset legend="CustomFields">
<asi:input label="HRJobCode" type="text" property="customField1"
disabled="true" readonly="true" value="${result.customField1}" />

Now I can see a textField displayed with label "HRJobCode". But its value is blank. On going through the UserDetails.jsp code, It appeared to me that I need to set the values of custom fields in userDataForm &UserDataAction java code. Is this approach correct? Is there a way to achieve this without modifying hte java code?

Please suggest how to set the custom Fields in Update User page (people's tab)?

Thanks in advance




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  • The information about customizing the People tab was only provided (in another Tempo post) to explain why it's not available there but by no means is the recommended approach. Customizing the base product is completely discouraged since makes environments harder to upgrade and maintain.

    Since the User record can expose those fields (rf!customFieldX where X is a number of the field) you better use that instead of the people tab.

  • The information about customizing the People tab was only provided (in another Tempo post) to explain why it's not available there but by no means is the recommended approach. Customizing the base product is completely discouraged since makes environments harder to upgrade and maintain.

    Since the User record can expose those fields (rf!customFieldX where X is a number of the field) you better use that instead of the people tab.

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