This question is with regards to the Move to Filesystem integration data servic

This question is with regards to the Move to Filesystem integration data service plugin.
I am getting an "directory cannot be created" error while writing the file in the window shared folder \\\\share\\dev\\MO\\Appian\\Report\\ .
We have determined this is not a permission issue. We also mounted this directory on the Appian (7.7 version) server and we still got this error.

Has anyone else received this error?
Does anyone have a work around or another solution to copy a file from Appian to a shared folder?




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  • The smart service doesn't take into account the process initiator, it's the service account running the App Server the one that needs access to this folder.

    To solve this issue (this is how I've solved it in the past)

    1. Access via Remote Desktop session to the server where this directory is located and navigate to the "MO\\Appian" directory
    2. Do a right click over "Report" - "Properties" - "Sharing"
    3. Copy the network path instead of the path you are using. (e.g. \\\\\\dev\\MO\\Appian\\Report\\
    4. Click on "Advanced Sharing" and make sure the "Share this folder" option is enabled
    5. Click on "Permissions". Make sure your account running JBoss is listed here and that it has "Full Control" (see attached screenshot)

    6. When configuring the node make sure you use the path you copied on step #3 rather than the one where you use \\\\share\\dev\\MO\\Appian\\Report\\

  • The smart service doesn't take into account the process initiator, it's the service account running the App Server the one that needs access to this folder.

    To solve this issue (this is how I've solved it in the past)

    1. Access via Remote Desktop session to the server where this directory is located and navigate to the "MO\\Appian" directory
    2. Do a right click over "Report" - "Properties" - "Sharing"
    3. Copy the network path instead of the path you are using. (e.g. \\\\\\dev\\MO\\Appian\\Report\\
    4. Click on "Advanced Sharing" and make sure the "Share this folder" option is enabled
    5. Click on "Permissions". Make sure your account running JBoss is listed here and that it has "Full Control" (see attached screenshot)

    6. When configuring the node make sure you use the path you copied on step #3 rather than the one where you use \\\\share\\dev\\MO\\Appian\\Report\\

  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    in reply to Eduardo Fuentes

    I have same issue where i need to move file to the 775 folder permission set. Is there a way to achieve this  ? How i can i  start the process (smart service) with that service account ?

    I am getting /itess_tableau_nam_d/legal_entity_map.csv (Permission denied)

    but able to move the file to the sample folder created (with 777 permission ) successfully
