I am still working on Appian to JIRA integration. I have made some progress in

I am still working on Appian to JIRA integration. I have made some progress in that I can query JIRA to return a list of projects by name and key as well as retrieving data from a specific field. Now I am trying to tackle writing to JIRA. My first attempt is to just write a comment to one JIRA issue. I am not having any luck. Does anyone have any experience that is willing to share. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Here is a code snipped:
url: "sni-digital-dev.atlassian.net/.../12104",
           queryParameters: {
/* a!httpQuery will automatically url-encode query parameters for you,
* so it's OK to include spaces in the value of a query parameter */
a!httpQueryParameter(name: "body", value: {"Adding a comment to this issue"}),



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  • Not exactly sure what you're trying to do there, but I guess you're trying to use this call: docs.atlassian.com/.../ ...?

    If so, it should probabaly look a bit like this - I'm not sure exactly what the expanded field names should be so I've just put in "name" for now. also the user will need some projects, otherwise presumably you'll get an empty result.

    method: "GET",
    url: "sni-digital-dev.atlassian.net/.../project",
    queryParameters: {
    /* a!httpQuery will automatically url-encode query parameters for you,
    * so it's OK to include spaces in the value of a query parameter */a!httpQueryParameter(
    name: "expand",
    value: "name"
    basicAuthenticationCredentials: a!httpAuthenticationBasic(
    username: a!scsField(
    externalSystemKey: "test",
    fieldKey: "username",
    usePerUser: false()
    password: a!scsField(
    externalSystemKey: "test",
    fieldKey: "password",
    usePerUser: false()
    preemptive: true()
  • Not exactly sure what you're trying to do there, but I guess you're trying to use this call: docs.atlassian.com/.../ ...?

    If so, it should probabaly look a bit like this - I'm not sure exactly what the expanded field names should be so I've just put in "name" for now. also the user will need some projects, otherwise presumably you'll get an empty result.

    method: "GET",
    url: "sni-digital-dev.atlassian.net/.../project",
    queryParameters: {
    /* a!httpQuery will automatically url-encode query parameters for you,
    * so it's OK to include spaces in the value of a query parameter */a!httpQueryParameter(
    name: "expand",
    value: "name"
    basicAuthenticationCredentials: a!httpAuthenticationBasic(
    username: a!scsField(
    externalSystemKey: "test",
    fieldKey: "username",
    usePerUser: false()
    password: a!scsField(
    externalSystemKey: "test",
    fieldKey: "password",
    usePerUser: false()
    preemptive: true()
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