Hi, We're using Chart Creator plug-in to generate charts. We want


We're using Chart Creator plug-in to generate charts. We want to customized it to show up value labels, vibrant colors(of my choice) etc. We're also getting "com.ve.kavachart.chart.ChartException: Chart initialization problem" exception when we add the attached document as property file in Custom Properties.

Any suggestions would be helpful for us.

Many Thanks in Advance.


Bar Chart With 2 Rows Columns .properties



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  • OK, following are the few reasons which could lead to exception:

    1. When length of labels not equal to length of dataseries
    2. If Chart properties file is configured with comma (,) as delimiter for multi-valued attributes instead of tilde (~)
    3. Try to avoid null values in labels or series. This could lead to exception or improper rendering of chart

    So, while implementation please ensure that the data provided to chart creator is good. Next to it, ensure that the properties file is configured properly. Please find attached the properties file which can act as reference for you.

    Chart Creator Customized Properties.zip

  • OK, following are the few reasons which could lead to exception:

    1. When length of labels not equal to length of dataseries
    2. If Chart properties file is configured with comma (,) as delimiter for multi-valued attributes instead of tilde (~)
    3. Try to avoid null values in labels or series. This could lead to exception or improper rendering of chart

    So, while implementation please ensure that the data provided to chart creator is good. Next to it, ensure that the properties file is configured properly. Please find attached the properties file which can act as reference for you.

    Chart Creator Customized Properties.zip

No Data