Hi, In our project we have requirement, the UI are designed in .Net and whe

In our project we have requirement, the UI are designed in .Net and when the user login the task list from appian should be fetched and displayed in .Net UI.
For this we have written a servlet. When we trigger the servlet URL from the browser it will ask for credentials and when I give the credentials we are able to get the response from the servlet.
But when we are triggering the URL from .Net by passing credentials we are getting the html response of the Appian login page.
Could you please let me know how should we pass the credentials to Appian from .Net for accessing the servlet.

Thanks in Advance.



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  • When we deploy a servlet and want it be able to accessible without logging in, we add an entry to spring-security-02-unsecured-override.xml like this:

    <sec:http pattern="/plugins/servlet/custom_servlet1/**" security="none"/>

    So when you hit the URL /plugins/servlet/custom_servlet1 you will no longer get a login page. However, you are then responsible for implementing your own security on the servlet. Otherwise anybody could hit that URL and pull the data. We typically implement Basic Authentication and pass the credentials in the header.

    This is on release 7.3 so things might be different in a modern version of Appian.
  • When we deploy a servlet and want it be able to accessible without logging in, we add an entry to spring-security-02-unsecured-override.xml like this:

    <sec:http pattern="/plugins/servlet/custom_servlet1/**" security="none"/>

    So when you hit the URL /plugins/servlet/custom_servlet1 you will no longer get a login page. However, you are then responsible for implementing your own security on the servlet. Otherwise anybody could hit that URL and pull the data. We typically implement Basic Authentication and pass the credentials in the header.

    This is on release 7.3 so things might be different in a modern version of Appian.
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