How can we get the system icons like "Timer event", "Script task&

Certified Lead Developer
How can we get the system icons like "Timer event", "Script task", "XOR" nodes? I have got the icon id from the process node(Using API) but I'm unable to access the icon in any ways. Please suggest me the way to get the icons of a nodes. or Where can I get those icons?



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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    Thank you Edurado. I already got the icons from this location. From this, I can get the static icons only, but how can I map to the specific node of the process.

    I need to get the icon, which is specific to the node in the process at the execution of my plug-in.

    In plug-in code, I got the "processNodes" object, which is a object of "RuntimeProcessNode" class. So I need the icon from this "processNodes" object. I can get the icon id from "processNodes.getIcon()". But I can't able to send this as a document to the output of plug-in.

    I tried to cast Icon id to document type, tried to save the Icon content, tried to get the icon from Icon's UUID by using content service and content classes. But it is not worked in any ways.
  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    Thank you Edurado. I already got the icons from this location. From this, I can get the static icons only, but how can I map to the specific node of the process.

    I need to get the icon, which is specific to the node in the process at the execution of my plug-in.

    In plug-in code, I got the "processNodes" object, which is a object of "RuntimeProcessNode" class. So I need the icon from this "processNodes" object. I can get the icon id from "processNodes.getIcon()". But I can't able to send this as a document to the output of plug-in.

    I tried to cast Icon id to document type, tried to save the Icon content, tried to get the icon from Icon's UUID by using content service and content classes. But it is not worked in any ways.
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