#Plugin I am writing a plugin for Appian in Java (an expression function plugin)

#Plugin I am writing a plugin for Appian in Java (an expression function plugin) into which I am passing an array of document id’s. I’d like to access each document represented by those id’s, however I have been unable to. My goal is to use an open source pdf reader on these pdf documents I have passed into the plugin. It will look like this: pdfReaderArray.add(new PdfReader(doc.getInternalFilename())); The problem I am experiencing is, while I can see (through debug statements) that the document id’s exist and are not null, the document’s internal filename is always null. The public Java API has been very helpful as have some of the shared components I have looked at for guidance. I have tried using the getVersion method of the Content Service in this manner:

Document doc = (Document) cs.getVersion(pdfsToMerge[i], ContentConstants.VERSION_CURRENT);

This seems to return a document, however as the API indicates, the getVersion method: “Gets the spec...



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  • Abhi, thank you.

    Akshaya, thank you. I searched for the id and it appears the document doesn't exist. I was not expecting that because it gave me an id that appeared to be legitimate. Perhaps the problem was that because I was using a local variable the document wasn't persisted to the Appian file system. I will try changing some things and see if I can fix that. Thanks again for your help, I appreciate it.
  • Abhi, thank you.

    Akshaya, thank you. I searched for the id and it appears the document doesn't exist. I was not expecting that because it gave me an id that appeared to be legitimate. Perhaps the problem was that because I was using a local variable the document wasn't persisted to the Appian file system. I will try changing some things and see if I can fix that. Thanks again for your help, I appreciate it.
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