I am working with a custom plugin code. The plugin code contains custom expressi

I am working with a custom plugin code. The plugin code contains custom expression functions. These functions get some data from DB(using JDBC) and return the results. I am getting an error, "Unable to find a required instance of Context".
Please find attached the relevant logs. The method signature of the relevant Java method is:
          public TypedValue CRD_fetchRefDataValueFromDBCacheById(Context initCtx,
                              ContentService contentSvc, TypeService typeSvc,
                              @Parameter(required = true) Integer refDataId)

As you can see, the method takes object of type "Context" as a parameter. The fully qualified name of this class is javax.naming.Context. Any idea what might be the issue? Is the Context initialized by Appian automatically or does it have to be initialized?




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