Regarding the "Task Smart Services" plug-in: I would like t

Regarding the "Task Smart Services" plug-in:

I would like to confirm --- does the plug-in come with any sort of ability to change a task deadline using only SAIL? We've combined the change deadline smart service node (included in the plug-in) with some other functionality to achieve our goal of changing deadlines, but I just want to be sure I am correct in assuming that a process model utilizing the "Set Task Deadline" node is necessary to set a task deadline for a task that is already running.




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  • Yes the node is necessary to change the deadline and it should be run as part of the process. If you would like to do the same from SAIL, you may use the fn!startprocesswrite() which is available as a plugin. The plugin doesn't have the ability to change directly from SAIL but it just provides the capability to change the deadline via a smart service and this should be made as a part of process which can be triggered from a sail interface if needed by making use of the Start Process Writer plugin.
  • Yes the node is necessary to change the deadline and it should be run as part of the process. If you would like to do the same from SAIL, you may use the fn!startprocesswrite() which is available as a plugin. The plugin doesn't have the ability to change directly from SAIL but it just provides the capability to change the deadline via a smart service and this should be made as a part of process which can be triggered from a sail interface if needed by making use of the Start Process Writer plugin.
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