Are there plugins to create user group during run-time?

Are there plugins to create user group during run-time?



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  • @sudhak If your intention is to invoke the smart service in SAIL, for time-being you may replicate it by using the 'Start Process Writer' plugin at So you can create a process model that creates a Custom Group. And this process model can be invoked from SAIL by making use of the plugin mentioned previously. A trade-off with this is, the plugin exhibits fire and forget behavior. So in order to overcome this, you need to interact with another SAIL component and then you can read the id of the created group by querying the database/ analytics.
  • @sudhak If your intention is to invoke the smart service in SAIL, for time-being you may replicate it by using the 'Start Process Writer' plugin at So you can create a process model that creates a Custom Group. And this process model can be invoked from SAIL by making use of the plugin mentioned previously. A trade-off with this is, the plugin exhibits fire and forget behavior. So in order to overcome this, you need to interact with another SAIL component and then you can read the id of the created group by querying the database/ analytics.
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