Hi, I am attempting to install a plugin "com.appiancorp.analytic


I am attempting to install a plugin "com.appiancorp.analytics.excel_exportv2-3.2.jar ".

Up on installing the aforementioned plugin the first time, I observed the following details in the log.

[0m[0m06:57:55,178 INFO [stdout] (Appian Plugin Hot Deploy) 2016-07-29 06:57:55,178 [Appian Plugin Hot Deploy] ERROR com.appiancorp.plugins.LoggingPluginEventListener - Failed to load Plug-in 'com.appiancorp.analytics.excel_exportv2-3.2.jar.filepart' (com.appiancorp.analytics.excel_exportv2-3.2.jar.filepart) version 0.0: 'The artifact URI file:/data/Appian/Appian/_admin/plugins/com.appiancorp.analytics.excel_exportv2-3.2.jar.filepart is not a valid plugin artifact'

[0m[0m06:58:59,836 INFO [stdout] (Appian Plugin Hot Deploy) 2016-07-29 06:58:59,836 [Appian Plugin Hot Deploy] INFO com.appiancorp.plugins.LoggingPluginEventListener - Successfully installed Plug-in 'com.appiancorp.analytics.excel_export' (com.appiancorp.analytics.excel_exportv2) version 3.2....



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  • ...

    However, on attempting to use the deployed plugin, I received the following error.

    [0m[0m08:19:02,694 INFO [stdout] (http-/ com.appiancorp.process.expression.ExpressionRuntimeException$AppianExceptionProvider: Expression evaluation error in rule 'util_getmytasks' (called by rules 'util_getmytasksportalreportdatasubset' > 'util_mytasksreport') at function 'getPortalReportDatasubset' [line 5]: Error evaluating function 'getPortalReportDatasubset' : The function 'getportalreportdatasubset' is unavailable. (APNX-1-4198-000)

    Hence I tried to uninstall and reinstall the plugin. The logs displayed the following message -

    [0m[0m09:22:02,660 INFO [stdout] (Appian Plugin Hot Deploy) 2016-07-29 09:22:02,660 [Appian Plugin Hot Deploy] INFO com.appiancorp.plugins.LoggingPluginEventListener - Successfully un-installed Plug-in 'com.appiancorp.analytics.excel_export' (com.appiancorp.analytics.excel_exportv2) version 3.2.

    [0m[0m09:26:03,818 INFO [std...
  • ...

    However, on attempting to use the deployed plugin, I received the following error.

    [0m[0m08:19:02,694 INFO [stdout] (http-/ com.appiancorp.process.expression.ExpressionRuntimeException$AppianExceptionProvider: Expression evaluation error in rule 'util_getmytasks' (called by rules 'util_getmytasksportalreportdatasubset' > 'util_mytasksreport') at function 'getPortalReportDatasubset' [line 5]: Error evaluating function 'getPortalReportDatasubset' : The function 'getportalreportdatasubset' is unavailable. (APNX-1-4198-000)

    Hence I tried to uninstall and reinstall the plugin. The logs displayed the following message -

    [0m[0m09:22:02,660 INFO [stdout] (Appian Plugin Hot Deploy) 2016-07-29 09:22:02,660 [Appian Plugin Hot Deploy] INFO com.appiancorp.plugins.LoggingPluginEventListener - Successfully un-installed Plug-in 'com.appiancorp.analytics.excel_export' (com.appiancorp.analytics.excel_exportv2) version 3.2.

    [0m[0m09:26:03,818 INFO [std...
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