Has anyone heard of or seen a plug in that allows users to vote for a post on te

Has anyone heard of or seen a plug in that allows users to vote for a post on tempo? We have a feedback process and was looking for a function that would allow a user do a thumbs up or thumbs down for a feedback post and then expose a count by feedback. This would work much like the ability to star a post. But in this case you would be selecting eithera thumbs up or thumbs doen action. ...



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  • That's correct. Here is another option. If you can create a 'Record' for the items, and have a related action in the Record to Vote, then you can include the link to the record in the Forum post which will take them to the Records dashboard and users can use the related action to vote. It adds an additional click but this is another work-around keeping the solution tempo centric.
  • That's correct. Here is another option. If you can create a 'Record' for the items, and have a related action in the Record to Vote, then you can include the link to the record in the Forum post which will take them to the Records dashboard and users can use the related action to vote. It adds an additional click but this is another work-around keeping the solution tempo centric.
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