Hello, I need to get all information that are on Sharepoint 2010 List. A

I need to get all information that are on Sharepoint 2010 List. Anyone know if is it possible?




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  • In this example I use the native lists.asmx to retrieve the information of a document in a Sharepoint list. More information about other web services available at msdn.microsoft.com/.../dd878586(v=office.12).aspx

    0. Install the Send HTTP Request custom smart service available for download here in Appian Forum
    1. Create a simple process model with the "Send HTTP Request" smart service available right below the "Call Web Service" node.
    2. Configure its inputs in the following way:

    --->2.1 Endpoint (Use your site's URL for instance): ="xxxxx/.../lists.asmx"
    --->2.2 Method: POST
    --->2.3 Header names: Content-Type
    --->2.4 Header values: ="application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8"
    --->2.5 User: The username you want to use to connect to the Sharepoint site
    --->2.6 Password: This user's password
    --->2.7 Domain: This account's domain

    ---> 2.8 Body

    1. In my Sharepoint Server I have a list called "Shared Documents" (in your case IAP)
    2. There's a folder inside called "EduardosFolder" (in your case 2012)
    3. I'm building the request to retrieve only a file called "Document A.xml"
    4. So the body looks like the one below.
    ---> 4.1 Notice how the there are two query elements, one lowercase one uppercase <query><Query></Query></query>
    ---->4.2 It's important to point out that I no longer use the "Recursive" attribute at all, instead I provide a <Folder> element in the <QueryOptions> that shows the path of type <LIST>/<FOLDER>

    ="<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
    <soap12:Envelope xmlns:xsi='www.w3.org/.../XMLSchema-instance' xmlns:xsd='www.w3.org/.../XMLSchema' xmlns:soap12='www.w3.org/.../soap-envelope'>
    <GetListItems xmlns='schemas.microsoft.com/.../'>
    <listName>Shared Documents</listName>
    <FieldRef Name='Title' />
    <Value Type='Text'>Document A.xml</Value>
    <ViewFields />
    <Folder>Shared Documents/EduardosFolder</Folder>

    5. Click on the outputs and store the "responseBody" object.
    6. Run the process model and parse "responseBody"

    Note: You can find out how the XML has to be by navigating to: xxxxxx/.../lists.asmx
  • In this example I use the native lists.asmx to retrieve the information of a document in a Sharepoint list. More information about other web services available at msdn.microsoft.com/.../dd878586(v=office.12).aspx

    0. Install the Send HTTP Request custom smart service available for download here in Appian Forum
    1. Create a simple process model with the "Send HTTP Request" smart service available right below the "Call Web Service" node.
    2. Configure its inputs in the following way:

    --->2.1 Endpoint (Use your site's URL for instance): ="xxxxx/.../lists.asmx"
    --->2.2 Method: POST
    --->2.3 Header names: Content-Type
    --->2.4 Header values: ="application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8"
    --->2.5 User: The username you want to use to connect to the Sharepoint site
    --->2.6 Password: This user's password
    --->2.7 Domain: This account's domain

    ---> 2.8 Body

    1. In my Sharepoint Server I have a list called "Shared Documents" (in your case IAP)
    2. There's a folder inside called "EduardosFolder" (in your case 2012)
    3. I'm building the request to retrieve only a file called "Document A.xml"
    4. So the body looks like the one below.
    ---> 4.1 Notice how the there are two query elements, one lowercase one uppercase <query><Query></Query></query>
    ---->4.2 It's important to point out that I no longer use the "Recursive" attribute at all, instead I provide a <Folder> element in the <QueryOptions> that shows the path of type <LIST>/<FOLDER>

    ="<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
    <soap12:Envelope xmlns:xsi='www.w3.org/.../XMLSchema-instance' xmlns:xsd='www.w3.org/.../XMLSchema' xmlns:soap12='www.w3.org/.../soap-envelope'>
    <GetListItems xmlns='schemas.microsoft.com/.../'>
    <listName>Shared Documents</listName>
    <FieldRef Name='Title' />
    <Value Type='Text'>Document A.xml</Value>
    <ViewFields />
    <Folder>Shared Documents/EduardosFolder</Folder>

    5. Click on the outputs and store the "responseBody" object.
    6. Run the process model and parse "responseBody"

    Note: You can find out how the XML has to be by navigating to: xxxxxx/.../lists.asmx
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