Hello, I need to get all information that are on Sharepoint 2010 List. A

I need to get all information that are on Sharepoint 2010 List. Anyone know if is it possible?




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  • I can suggest two options:

    1. Use the Call Web Service Smart Service to invoke any of the available operations in the Appian.SharePoint.Lists.asmx Web Service (requires you to deploy the Appian for Sharepoint Module on the Sharepoint server).

    More details at forum.appian.com/.../SharePoint_Web_Services

    2. Or you can use the Send HTTP Request Smart Service.
  • In this example I use the native lists.asmx to retrieve the information of a document in a Sharepoint list. More information about other web services available at msdn.microsoft.com/.../dd878586(v=office.12).aspx

    0. Install the Send HTTP Request custom smart service available for download here in Appian Forum
    1. Create a simple process model with the "Send HTTP Request" smart service available right below the "Call Web Service" node.
    2. Configure its inputs in the following way:

    --->2.1 Endpoint (Use your site's URL for instance): ="xxxxx/.../lists.asmx"
    --->2.2 Method: POST
    --->2.3 Header names: Content-Type
    --->2.4 Header values: ="application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8"
    --->2.5 User: The username you want to use to connect to the Sharepoint site
    --->2.6 Password: This user's password
    --->2.7 Domain: This account's domain

    ---> 2.8 Body

    1. In my Sharepoint Server I have a list called "Shared Documents" (in your case IAP)
    2. There's a folder inside called "EduardosFolder" (in your case 2012)
    3. I'm building the request to retrieve only a file called "Document A.xml"
    4. So the body looks like the one below.
    ---> 4.1 Notice how the there are two query elements, one lowercase one uppercase <query><Query></Query></query>
    ---->4.2 It's important to point out that I no longer use the "Recursive" attribute at all, instead I provide a <Folder> element in the <QueryOptions> that shows the path of type <LIST>/<FOLDER>

    ="<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
    <soap12:Envelope xmlns:xsi='www.w3.org/.../XMLSchema-instance' xmlns:xsd='www.w3.org/.../XMLSchema' xmlns:soap12='www.w3.org/.../soap-envelope'>
    <GetListItems xmlns='schemas.microsoft.com/.../'>
    <listName>Shared Documents</listName>
    <FieldRef Name='Title' />
    <Value Type='Text'>Document A.xml</Value>
    <ViewFields />
    <Folder>Shared Documents/EduardosFolder</Folder>

    5. Click on the outputs and store the "responseBody" object.
    6. Run the process model and parse "responseBody"

    Note: You can find out how the XML has to be by navigating to: xxxxxx/.../lists.asmx
  • We use the lists.asmx webservice. It works quite well. We create views to access different aspects of a list to reduce the number of columns and / or items. Parsing was not that easy as (at least our SharePoint) puts a lot of namespace definitions into the XML that the function xpathsnippet is not able to parse. The character encoding is also incorrect.

    However I think we going with the REST interfaces as these are recommended by Microsoft to access SharePoint if there is no native API available. The REST interface can output data in JSON format as well as XML. I am going to do some tests and POCs in the coming weeks for our new SP 2013 installation.
  • Thanks you all. I'm going to testing all your suggestion :)