Task Report

Certified Lead Developer


Is there any way we can pull out the report of how many tasks were raised for a given process every day. I am aware that we can create a report if the task is in flight but how do i get the details of tasks which were actioned by the team and are no longer active.



Process Name Active Tasks Resolved Tasks Date Created
ABC Process 5 10 14/08/2018



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  • Hi Nitesh,
    1)Create "Process Report"
    Report Type as "process" and Context Type as "Processes by process model"

    for this report add your process models in context

    2)create a constant for above report.

    3)By Using a!queryProcessAnalytics() get the process report data.

    now you have process report data for particular process models,based on status and start time you can get Active Tasks and Resolved Tasks count.
  • Hi Nitesh,
    1)Create "Process Report"
    Report Type as "process" and Context Type as "Processes by process model"

    for this report add your process models in context

    2)create a constant for above report.

    3)By Using a!queryProcessAnalytics() get the process report data.

    now you have process report data for particular process models,based on status and start time you can get Active Tasks and Resolved Tasks count.
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