What is the use of Active Class Parameters (ac!)

What is the use of Active Class Parameters (ac!)?

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  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    In addition to all the above comments, ac! used in User Input Task Nodes have another use case.

    When an rule input (ri!) is used to save some field values, we will be creating ac variables(latest versions of appian automatically creates ac variables when we pick a form in the Forms page of UIT). The value given in the fields will be saved locally in the ac variable when ri for that field is mapped with this ac variable in the Forms page. When a user has filled in the details for the field and gives Save Draft option, and comes later and picks the task from the Tasks tab, the value will be automatically loaded in that particular field taking it from the ac variable. This will reduce the effort of the user to refill the details.
  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    In addition to all the above comments, ac! used in User Input Task Nodes have another use case.

    When an rule input (ri!) is used to save some field values, we will be creating ac variables(latest versions of appian automatically creates ac variables when we pick a form in the Forms page of UIT). The value given in the fields will be saved locally in the ac variable when ri for that field is mapped with this ac variable in the Forms page. When a user has filled in the details for the field and gives Save Draft option, and comes later and picks the task from the Tasks tab, the value will be automatically loaded in that particular field taking it from the ac variable. This will reduce the effort of the user to refill the details.
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