Is there any way to see the milliseconds of node start and completion times on t

Certified Senior Developer
Is there any way to see the milliseconds of node start and completion times on the Process Nodes (or Process History) tabs in Process Details? I'm trying to track down a tricky race condition, and I need more precise measurements when multiple things can start/complete in the same second....



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  • It might be better to arrange it so that multiple things do not start and complete and the same time.Things that run in parallel should not have to race each other. Instead if you have tasks that use the same resources like Process Variables, then it would be easier to align them as sequential events.
  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    Tim, thanks for your suggestion. Unfortunately, in a process with several quick-task flows, it is not possible to prevent simultaneous parallel work flows. We also have several rules events that trigger when a flag is set, and those run in parallel as well. I have identified the cause of a race condition I am seeing, but only by sorting the Process Nodes by start time, and then by completed time. This report would be more useful if it included milliseconds in the times (not just duration), and if it could be exported to Excel like other reports.