Run scheduler on 2nd working day every month

A Score Level 1

Regarding: Scheduler Configuration on Process Model Start Event Timer 

Requirement : To trigger the process on the 2nd working day of a month excluding weekends or public holidays 

Example :

Sep 2, 2020

Oct 2, 2020

Nov 3, 2020  (1st being a Sunday, 3rd is the next working day)

Dec 2, 2020

Jan 4, 2021 ( 2nd Jan is a Saturday, next working day is only on 4th)

And so on.. 


We tried implementing it monthly as per the following configuration:

  • Configured Time Recurrence as Monthly.
  • Repeat this task on =workday(workday(today(),0),1) of every 1 month(s)
  • At 12:00 AM

It was due to get triggered on Oct 2, 2020, but did not get triggered. Hence we need to implement in some other way to check before Nov,3 2020.


Approach : Implement a timer to run daily and check whether today() is the second working day of the month.

Question : Can we implement the timer in any other way, by configuring monthly and not daily. Any other approach is welcome.

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  • I would recommend going with a daily timer for this complexity as it will have the added advantage of more easily handling changes to the scheduling parameters.

    You can do this one of two ways:

    1. Create a daily scheduled process model that hits an XOR as the first node and either continues if an expression is true or terminates.  If you go this route you should make sure to delete this process after it runs.  If you need to retain the process history of the scheduled action, call it in a sub-process as a child of the scheduler wrapper.

    2. Create a daily scheduled process model that utilizes the "Show Advanced Options" under the "Setup" for the Timer Event and add an additional expression to verify that today is the second day of the month.  Make sure you test this process to make sure your expression is correct.

  • I would recommend going with a daily timer for this complexity as it will have the added advantage of more easily handling changes to the scheduling parameters.

    You can do this one of two ways:

    1. Create a daily scheduled process model that hits an XOR as the first node and either continues if an expression is true or terminates.  If you go this route you should make sure to delete this process after it runs.  If you need to retain the process history of the scheduled action, call it in a sub-process as a child of the scheduler wrapper.

    2. Create a daily scheduled process model that utilizes the "Show Advanced Options" under the "Setup" for the Timer Event and add an additional expression to verify that today is the second day of the month.  Make sure you test this process to make sure your expression is correct.
