Reading an XML file into an Interface

Hi I have a need to be able to select an XML file, and use fields in it to populate an interface.

At the moment I have a simpe interface with a File Upload and a Rule Input of xmlData (Document) which the file upload saves to.

I am then kicking off a process model on submit which runs a script task.

I have activity class parameters for the fields I want and am running the following script on each one

Currently I just get an error on the process model when I debug:
Script Task An error occurred while evaluating expression: =xpathdocument(pv!xmlFile,"/Document/Fields/Field[@Name='Department']/@Value") (Expression evaluation error at function 'xpathdocument': An error occurred while trying to parse the XML stream.) (Data Inputs)

Does anyone know what the error is more specifically?  Am I on the right lines or is there a better way of doing this? 

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  • Hi David,

    Few recommendations that I could give to you:

    • The input for the expression should be the document ID and not the document itself
    • Check in your xml file if you have namespaces defined, in case you need, it needs to be a parameter in the expression
    • If you are trying to retrieve just the text out of one xml tag try to use “/text()” instead “/@value”

    I’m adding a sample code below, in this example only the text of the tag "content" is retrieved:

      docId: 9999,
      expression: "/a:document/data/body/item/content/text()",
      /*sample namespace prefix just add if your input xml has ns*/
      prefix: "a:"


    Acacio Barrado.

  • Hi Acacio

    How would I find the DocumentID?  This is my interface - I assume it is the 47259 stored in the rule input before the filename?  What would be the best way of grabbing this in the process model?

    Also, where do I check for if the xml has namespace?

    This is the document properties of one I uploaded


  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to David Craven
    How would I find the DocumentID? 

    Your assumptions are correct, as long as you account for needing to submit a form prior to accessing a document's properties (which i believe you're already doing correctly).  If needed, you can always typecast a document object directly to its ID by, among other things, passing the document object through the "toInteger()" function.  As I noted in my prior reply though, in almost all cases it won't make any difference, as integer and document objects will almost seamlessly cross-typecast as needed depending on the service in question.

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to David Craven
    How would I find the DocumentID? 

    Your assumptions are correct, as long as you account for needing to submit a form prior to accessing a document's properties (which i believe you're already doing correctly).  If needed, you can always typecast a document object directly to its ID by, among other things, passing the document object through the "toInteger()" function.  As I noted in my prior reply though, in almost all cases it won't make any difference, as integer and document objects will almost seamlessly cross-typecast as needed depending on the service in question.

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