System Startup

Certified Associate Developer

What do timer started processes do when the system is restarted?

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  • I can confirm this is correct, when the system comes back online it will start any processes that were scheduled to run during the outage, which are configured with a Timer trigger on the Start Node.

    Just to confirm, by 'failed' you mean 'not started', vs were actually started but encountered issues?  Are these processes configured directly with a Timer trigger on the Start Node (vs a different config such as always running but a flow released via Timer Event node, etc)?  More details on the failed instances configuration would assist.

    We just rebooted a server which has a few processes starting regularly.  Our outage was 11:02-11:25, you can see the every-10-minute "COE - SYSMON - Document Upload Speed" process was scheduled to start at 11:06 and 11:16 while the system was down, and when it came up both of those instances started at 11:25 and the schedule resumed from there with the next process starting at 11:26:

  • 0
    Certified Associate Developer
    in reply to Chris

    By failed I'm referring to processes that started with a timer, but stopped due to a process error. Would these try to restart also?

  • No, nodes with an error will not automatically restart.  We don't see this often and we have a good sized, older environment.  I'm assuming these nodes may be doing heavier processing / running for long times typically?  If you can pinpoint specific nodes that are causing the issue, you may be able to implement something such as below with a timer scheduled for longer than you expect the node to run, to restart the node automatically if the process has not completed in the expected time.