System Startup

Certified Associate Developer

What do timer started processes do when the system is restarted?

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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    In general I think you can assume that a system restart won't have any effect on timed starts.  I believe if any were missed due to downtime during a restart, they'll automatically launch after the system is back up, though I'd need to test that to be sure.

  • 0
    Certified Associate Developer
    in reply to Mike Schmitt

    I would be interested in knowing any results if you can test it. Our system admin has confirmed at least some of our processes which have failed are consistent with restart times we have done.

  • I can confirm this is correct, when the system comes back online it will start any processes that were scheduled to run during the outage, which are configured with a Timer trigger on the Start Node.

    Just to confirm, by 'failed' you mean 'not started', vs were actually started but encountered issues?  Are these processes configured directly with a Timer trigger on the Start Node (vs a different config such as always running but a flow released via Timer Event node, etc)?  More details on the failed instances configuration would assist.

    We just rebooted a server which has a few processes starting regularly.  Our outage was 11:02-11:25, you can see the every-10-minute "COE - SYSMON - Document Upload Speed" process was scheduled to start at 11:06 and 11:16 while the system was down, and when it came up both of those instances started at 11:25 and the schedule resumed from there with the next process starting at 11:26:

  • I can confirm this is correct, when the system comes back online it will start any processes that were scheduled to run during the outage, which are configured with a Timer trigger on the Start Node.

    Just to confirm, by 'failed' you mean 'not started', vs were actually started but encountered issues?  Are these processes configured directly with a Timer trigger on the Start Node (vs a different config such as always running but a flow released via Timer Event node, etc)?  More details on the failed instances configuration would assist.

    We just rebooted a server which has a few processes starting regularly.  Our outage was 11:02-11:25, you can see the every-10-minute "COE - SYSMON - Document Upload Speed" process was scheduled to start at 11:06 and 11:16 while the system was down, and when it came up both of those instances started at 11:25 and the schedule resumed from there with the next process starting at 11:26:
