I have read the documentation and I think I have followed what is suggested but I still cannot start the process- from the interface.
this is the section of the interface where I am calling the process model:
a!sideBySideItem( item: a!imageField( images: a!userImage( user: local!currentuser, link: a!dynamicLink( value: local!imageuser, saveInto: a!startProcess( processModel: cons!GLP_UPDATEPROFILEPICTURE, processParameters: { userToUpdate: local!currentuser }, onSuccess: a!save( target: local!imageuser, value: fv!processInfo ) ) ) ), isThumbnail: true(), style: "AVATAR" ), width: "MINIMIZE" ),
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This should start the process model pointed to by cons!GLP_UPDATEPROFILEPICTURE, assuming it's saved and published and the user has at least Viewer-level security for it. I would point out, just in case your expectations are wrong, that a!startProcess() is asynchronous - meaning any process instance it launches will be in the background and mainly invisible to the user clicking the link.
Also I'll note that, as far as I can tell, local!imageuser probably isn't doing what you're expecting. The "onSuccess" save is attempting to capture the *entire* fv!processInfo output into it, whether or not you mean to. And setting it as the "value" parameter of the dynamicLink call will essentially do nothing (at least nothing directly useful). But otherwise the configuration looks about right, presuming all the stuff I mentioned in the first paragraph here matches your expectations.
I have been trying several things and that is why I had that value in onSuccess. I just changed to:value: fv!processInfo.pv.newPictureStill, I do not see anything happening and the logs do not record anything. The interface is inside a site, as a page. Couldn't it be something I am missing in the process model? in the start node?
To be clear, are you saying no Process Instances are started after the user clicks the link?
Visually, this is what I can see that happens but in the background, the process model is not started.
have you tried by enabling activity chaining in PM?
eduardoh0002 said:the process model is not started.
Where are you looking in order to verify this? Are you looking at the "All Process Instances" list for that PM, or something else? a!startProcess() would not necessarily show you anything after the PM is started if the only place you're looking is the interface you're working on.
I found the problem. It had to do with the imageFiled property "isThumbnail". When it is set to true, the image can be displayed in bigger format when clicked but then the link won't work.