How can I start a process model from an interface (by clicking on a userimage) ?

I have read the documentation and I think I have followed what is suggested but I still cannot start the process- from the interface.

this is the section of the interface where I am calling the process model:

  item: a!imageField(
    images: a!userImage(
      user: local!currentuser,
      link: a!dynamicLink(
        value: local!imageuser,
        saveInto: a!startProcess(
          processModel: cons!GLP_UPDATEPROFILEPICTURE,
          processParameters: {
            userToUpdate: local!currentuser
          onSuccess: a!save(
            target: local!imageuser,
            value: fv!processInfo
    isThumbnail: true(),
    style: "AVATAR"
  width: "MINIMIZE"

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