30 nodes or less recommendation

How important or realistic is the recommendation to keep under 30 nodes?

Has anyone had more than 30 nodes and ran into major issues?

How does memory usage impact this?

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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    It is a recommendation and not a hard rule but I strongly suggest you follow it.

    But splitting up your processes it will not only help with performance but it is easier to maintain as well for the development (making modifications in process designer to a large process is difficult). It also makes it easier to refactor code as it favours reusability and finally helps with debugging/troubleshooting in production. Having in long flight processes can be difficult to manage over time.

    See here for more details:

    Design decisions early in development can have long term effects on memory management. There are certain factors that a developer should take into account because they will affect the memory footprint…
    Last edited in Success > Article

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    It is a recommendation and not a hard rule but I strongly suggest you follow it.

    But splitting up your processes it will not only help with performance but it is easier to maintain as well for the development (making modifications in process designer to a large process is difficult). It also makes it easier to refactor code as it favours reusability and finally helps with debugging/troubleshooting in production. Having in long flight processes can be difficult to manage over time.

    See here for more details:

    Design decisions early in development can have long term effects on memory management. There are certain factors that a developer should take into account because they will affect the memory footprint…
    Last edited in Success > Article
