CSV File: Remove quotes from the file.

Certified Senior Developer

Hello Everyone,

I am converting HTML to CSV using this process nodes and it's working fine. Although I can export data store entity to CSV- but there is different requirement, so I am not using this approach. Please see below screenshot. 

Requirement: When I open that CSV file in Notepad++ I see this:

I need to remove these quotes in a file. How can I achieve this?


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  • NOTE, if you are only removing quotes from the CSV file, you may be left with values within the quotes that contain a comma that is not intended to be used as a delimiter, this will break your entire file.  This is the purpose of quoting all values within a CSV, which is essentially a standard that all systems designed to accept CSV should honor, in my opinion.

    And what is the data like that is coming into the initial HTML node, from a DB query etc?  Can you utilize an expression rule to build the CSV file?

    In all the CSV files I create, I generate the contents via an expression rule, which gives you full control over the output, then run that into a Text Doc from Template node which only has one placeholder (for the entire text).  As I type this however I realize that all of my CSV files are SFTP'd out, which is where I convert them from .txt to .csv, I'm not sure if we have an other way to change file types in Appian..

  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    in reply to Chris

    I am taking data from process variables. because at this time data is not saved into database which is the reason I am not using Export data store entity to CSV. 

    What I have done. I have used node HTML Doc from Template. In this template I have designed a table form data as mentioned below..

           <table name="Add" style="border:2px solid black" width="100%" border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0">
                      <th><label> <b> Name </b> </label> </th>
                      <th><label> <b>  Date </b> </label> </th>
                      <th><label> <b> Address </b> </label></th>
                      <th><label> <b> Department </b> </label></th>
    				  <th><label> <b> Country </b> </label> </th>

    In ###details###- I have created a rule that will get data from process variables. Followed by that - all data converted into csv file using HTML to CSV smart service.

  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    in reply to manjit.1486

    HI   can you guide this thing? Is it possible to change the extension of text file into CSV?
    Like I am able to achieve the text document from that smart service. Can we update the extension of that documnet to CSV?

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to manjit.1486

    You can TRY to put in the full output file name like "myExport.CSV", but Appian does not always give THAT much control over file extensions (and no direct means by which to CHANGE the extension of an existing file, that I know of).  However I feel I need to point out one more time that the resulting file you're creating is NOT A CSV FILE any more, because removing the quotes breaks all CSV file conventions.

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