Hi guys,
Is there a new limit to how many rows can be stored in a process variable that is marked as multiple? I made a query that returned 146 elements and the length of the ac!variable is 146 but in the pv!variable there are only 101 elements. Everything after the 101st element seems to have gotten trimmed out.
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How many elements can you see in your array variable? Mine was 101, I’m sure
So you are saying you had an array of 400000 char texts and it was trimming it out after the 4th row?
btw good work on your comedy show
We are using 23.4 with 3 appian engines and Single application server configuration.
ohk, so you have an array of CDT of two fields and there's 140 records which aren't being trimmed. That's interesting. What is the configuration of your Appian?
Could you share the code snippet where you fetch the data?
It is not only that query. I created an array of text of 200 elements using enumerate and the array was trimmed to 101 elements.
Are you talking about the actual data array size stored in the PV, or the size of information Appian will display in the UI before truncation? AFAIK these are two different things. And just because the information displayed in the GUI is truncated does not mean the data itself has been truncated - to determine that you'd need to call length() on the variable (in process) and look what the output is, and/or feed the PV's value into an interface and display it in a paragraph field / grid / etc (something where you're able to fully judge the size of the data contained therein), or one of another methods. Viewing the process instance "variables" value and/or the same in Process History is not necessarily a method guaranteed to show you the full contents of a data-heavy variable.
Posting the same time as Mike here..
Yes the Process History tab 'truncates' your large data sets, but the Variables (actual data set) will not. That screen shot is the key - check the Variables tab as well
Sample test in my environment, Process History: