Hello people!!
I'm attempting to reassign a task to another user, but I'm encountering an issue in the production environment. The user list for reassignment is appearing empty, which is preventing me from completing the task.
Does anyone know what's going on? I have a group called USERS that includes all the application's users. In the development and testing environments, everything works fine, but in the production environment, the user list is coming up empty.
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Yes. This happens when a user in the role of a manager on the process model reassigns a task. Then, that "pool of assignees" is reduced to that single person.
There was no reassignment because the option didn't even appear. The task was assigned to user X, but they couldn't reassign it because the user list is empty.
OK. How is the initial assignment and reassignment permissions defined?
Are you a member of this "USERS" group, and how is this group configured?
Yes, I am a user of the group.
This is the security Config
The problem is happening only in production environment. they have the same configuration.
Hm ... I don't have an explanation at hand. Typically such problems come from a combination of group config (visibility and privacy), manager reassignment and lack of membership.
Agree, with what Stefan has said. May be you need to check your membership rules and roles of the user
Stefan Helzle and Abhishek Karumuru I found the solution for this problem, actually, in production environment was disabled the option for Default user profile visibility.this way, I have another problem, I would like to enable this option only for a specific group, is this possible?