Team, I have a Tempo Task, in which i used to display a list of proce


I have a Tempo Task, in which i used to display a list of process instances in a grid. On click of the value under 'ID' column, which is a processtasklink i display a User Input Task assigned to a person.

There are 5 User Input Tasks in a row (3 with in a subprocess), what happens is whenever i come out of any of the User Input Task, by clicking any of the Menu item - News, Tasks, Records, Reports, Actions and go to the same grid and click the same ID, it opens the User input Task Form from which I moved away in Tempo Mode which is correct , but except the first User Input Task with in the sub-process for which it opens in Portal mode. I can't understand why it happens eventhough if i go to Tasks Menu and click the same task it opens in Tempo Mode, but the same doesn't happen when i click it from thr grid.

Any inputs on this issue please?...



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  • Now I got the two forms open in Tempo. For most of the User Input Tasks in our process models , the way it has been designed is in such a way that SAIL UI will overwrite the forms designer. That is there is already a form designed in the User Input Tasks using form designer. But to use the SAIL UI, "use existing form" check box is clicked and SAIL code is written in the expression place. What I did is I removed the those User Input Tasks which doesn’t open in Tempo directly and recreated them with only SAIL expression, that means there is no design using forms designer. Then the two forms started opening directly in Tempo.
              But I got amused why the other UI Tasks do work as expected by opening in Tempo form eventhough UI design using forms designer is overwritten by SAIL UI in those as well along with javascript onload event calls.
              Thank you very much for your support Eduardo Fuentes. Could you please let me know which causes the difference in behavior?
  • Now I got the two forms open in Tempo. For most of the User Input Tasks in our process models , the way it has been designed is in such a way that SAIL UI will overwrite the forms designer. That is there is already a form designed in the User Input Tasks using form designer. But to use the SAIL UI, "use existing form" check box is clicked and SAIL code is written in the expression place. What I did is I removed the those User Input Tasks which doesn’t open in Tempo directly and recreated them with only SAIL expression, that means there is no design using forms designer. Then the two forms started opening directly in Tempo.
              But I got amused why the other UI Tasks do work as expected by opening in Tempo form eventhough UI design using forms designer is overwritten by SAIL UI in those as well along with javascript onload event calls.
              Thank you very much for your support Eduardo Fuentes. Could you please let me know which causes the difference in behavior?
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