Greetings, We have a use-case where we need to send, by e-mail, the l


We have a use-case where we need to send, by e-mail, the link of a new task to a user (or list of users) so they can click the link from inside the e-mail and be directed to the Tempo Task. We use an Escalation as soon as a User Task is activated to send the e-mail to the Task's Assignees and we build the link using the TaskID (tp!id) parameter. However, we see the task id we receive in the email is aggregated by 2, e.g. the taskid is 33773 and at the email is 33775.

Any ideas on how we can implement this?



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  • @samartzisg tp!id doesn't work here to the best of my knowledge and I have seen some where Appian architects specifying the same. If I understand your question correctly, I guess, the only viable approach is as follows:
    1. Create a process which accepts a process id as an input and gets the active task id (by querying the analytics) and thereby sends an email by constructing a link using the derived task id.
    2. Trigger the process created in step-1 in the escalation of the user input task and send the current process id (in which the user input task sits) as input.

    Let's see if any other practitioners comes up with better and valuable suggestions.
  • hi samartzisg,
    If the process flow is sequential use the function fn!getactivetaskidsforprocess()
    to get the task id. The function will return all the Assigned and Accepted taskids in process.
  • We had a consultant working on an application and wanted to create a link (I believe for an email) to point to a task. However, because the task id wasn't available until the task was created (and normally not available as a pv variable until the task is submitted and the ac!taskid saved as a pv) and the need for the link was immediate there was an issue with retrieving the task id. I don't recall the details, but it sounded like a race condition issue (create task, grab id, use elsewhere, but the id isn't available normally until after task is completed).

    The solution was to create the task and have a process report smart service query the system to get the task id. To compensate for the risk the task wouldn't be found (system hadn't generated it or made the new task id available yet to the other engines) a loop was added into the processes to keep checking for the newly created task. I wasn't part of the project and didn't fully agree with the repeated execution of a process report to compensate for a race condition or weird business logic, but it seemed to work in the end. The app has been in production for months and I haven't heard of issues around this part of the logic.