We are on 7.11 Cloud. This question is regarding HTTP File Upload sma

We are on 7.11 Cloud.

This question is regarding HTTP File Upload smart service. The response I get from the service is weird.

We have created an end point on our side where we want to capture the attachments. Now following are few scenarios and the output I received:

(1) Text file of size >65KB --> Response: Error connecting to <end point link here>. Status 413 - Entity too large.
(2) Text file of size <65KB --> Response: Error calling HTTP File Upload, Message: Entity may not be null, Details: (are empty)

For (1) I can say that there is some problem in our end point. And we are currently looking at it.
But, I am interested in knowing the meaning of response of (2). It didn't say anything about connecting to our end-point. It mentions smart service name and says there is some problem calling the smart service. Does anyone know what could that error mean? One interesting thing I observed in case of (2) that when I am passing the wrong end-point ...



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