We are on 7.11 Cloud. This question is regarding HTTP File Upload sma

We are on 7.11 Cloud.

This question is regarding HTTP File Upload smart service. The response I get from the service is weird.

We have created an end point on our side where we want to capture the attachments. Now following are few scenarios and the output I received:

(1) Text file of size >65KB --> Response: Error connecting to <end point link here>. Status 413 - Entity too large.
(2) Text file of size <65KB --> Response: Error calling HTTP File Upload, Message: Entity may not be null, Details: (are empty)

For (1) I can say that there is some problem in our end point. And we are currently looking at it.
But, I am interested in knowing the meaning of response of (2). It didn't say anything about connecting to our end-point. It mentions smart service name and says there is some problem calling the smart service. Does anyone know what could that error mean? One interesting thing I observed in case of (2) that when I am passing the wrong end-point ...



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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    @aksharc In order to understand your problem, first of all you explain us that what type of web service you are using, REST or SOAP, if SOAP then what binding you are using RPC or Document. And what MediaType have you configured out there. U better try to invoke the Same URL by Uploading a File through HTML and REST Client. If still does not work and getting same error message then that indicates there is some problem in you Service Configuration like some Annotations
  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    @aksharc In order to understand your problem, first of all you explain us that what type of web service you are using, REST or SOAP, if SOAP then what binding you are using RPC or Document. And what MediaType have you configured out there. U better try to invoke the Same URL by Uploading a File through HTML and REST Client. If still does not work and getting same error message then that indicates there is some problem in you Service Configuration like some Annotations
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