Last night I moved a series of CDTs, datastores and models from our test environ

Last night I moved a series of CDTs, datastores and models from our test environment to production. It went fairly smoothly and while it took a while to verify the datastore, update the models, etc. no obvious sign of issues. Overnight and this morning we experienced a number of problems with query rules loosing their connections to the CDT/datastore and about 10 instances so far of this:

There is a problem with task “ARG: Write To DS 4” in the process ARG: Service Request - ELAR # 143547. An error occurred while trying to retrieve the data store entity [id=2dcf04a9-a0cc-4826-a14f-fcde9080782c@27529]. Verify that the data store and entity have not been deleted, and have the correct security settings. Details: The entity [id=2dcf04a9-a0cc-4826-a14f-fcde9080782c] does not exist in the latest published version of the data store “ARG” [id=27529]. (APNX-1-4169-001)

We suspect this is represents a corruption between our models/CDTs/datastores.

Is thi...



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  • The error you're seeing basically says that the query rule is looking for data in a Data Store Entity that doesn't yet exist. The first thing I'd do is republish the data store, and be sure to click the "There's a draft version of this Data Store available in the header" link to view the updated DS -- which doesn't show up on top automatically. Then you have to be sure to Verify and Save and Publish that draft version of the Data Store or you'll overwrite the update that was just applied.
  • The error you're seeing basically says that the query rule is looking for data in a Data Store Entity that doesn't yet exist. The first thing I'd do is republish the data store, and be sure to click the "There's a draft version of this Data Store available in the header" link to view the updated DS -- which doesn't show up on top automatically. Then you have to be sure to Verify and Save and Publish that draft version of the Data Store or you'll overwrite the update that was just applied.
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