#Related Action

I have a related action to assign a task to myself and navigate to that task.

I am having 2 user input tasks in my process model.
1. Confirmation Page
2. Navigation Page

Lets say, I want to assign Task A to myself.

After I submit the confirmation page, Task A will get assigned to me. Now, in "Navigation Page", I am using a!processTaskLink() to navigate to Task A.

If I click that link in "Navigation page", Task A is getting opened in same tab. Now, when I complete Task A, "Confirmation Page" is getting displayed even when "Navigation Page" User Input task node is active in Process Instance. And I am unable to end the related action instance as it is showing "Task is already submitted".

Is there any solution for this issue?


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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    Out of curiosity, what would your desired outcome be?
  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    @satyaa Can you explain clearly, what exactly is your requirement to achieve?
  • @aloks176 @mschmitt

    I want to end the Reassignment related action process instance when I submit Task A which is being assigned to me. But current behavior is after I finish Task A, Navigation Page node is showing as active in process instance but I am being displayed with "Confirmation Page" after I finish Task A. So I am confused with the functionality of this related action.

    So I am looking for a way to end related action process instance on submission of Task A. I hope this gives a clear idea about my required outcome.
  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    I'm not sure there's an easy way to do that - as far as I can tell, after any non-chained task is submitted, Appian will attempt to return the user to the last tab or form they were on (including task reports or forms with task links), so in your case the user would be expected to land back on the "Navingate to..." task, and if it's been submitted via timer this could be an issue.

    My one suggestion would be to move away from a!processTaskLink and generate your own task URL, which you can then call using a!safeLink instead. The format would simply be: %environmentUrl%/suite/tempo/tasks/task/%taskId% - since this will open in a new tab and not necessarily try to use the prior task as its "landing" page, i'm *guessing* you could safely close the original task in the background.