Why Custom task report?

Certified Senior Developer

We already  have tasks in tempo that displays the pending tasks with basic details

then we have task report where we can get the list of tasks and can edit what we need to display.

Then what is the concept of custom task report and when should we consider using it?

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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    Hi Natasha,

    Below are the few requirements considered for custom task report.

    Custom task reports can be configured separately and used in the sites. Some of the apps are configured in sites which is specific to the particular department/portfolio. In those scenarios custom tasks reports can be used. Also users can apply filters. Based on the department(groups), status(Assigned, Pending, Completed) date etc ..and filter the tasks using custom task reports.

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    Hi Natasha,

    Below are the few requirements considered for custom task report.

    Custom task reports can be configured separately and used in the sites. Some of the apps are configured in sites which is specific to the particular department/portfolio. In those scenarios custom tasks reports can be used. Also users can apply filters. Based on the department(groups), status(Assigned, Pending, Completed) date etc ..and filter the tasks using custom task reports.
