
Hi all, I have created process report type as context type -Tasks assigned to group for the lists of tasks assigned to group(abc,mno,xyz). and when I tried to test through the a!queryProcessAnalytics(report:"my report") it is throwing the error that "Empty context passed in for report sg1 [id=46716]. (APNX-1-4156-000)". even though I have given the report context with list of groups.

Can Anyone suggest on this ?

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    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to sid

    When run like this, the QPA call will return the report data evaluated against all 3 groups passed in.  I.E., the back-end data resulting from the call should map exactly 1:1 with what you're seeing in the visual Process Report editor.  If it still isn't doing that, then you might have a different issue with your configuration.

    What is the nature of the data being returned by your QPA call here which makes you think it's only getting the results for one group?
